Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Snowboarding items

The desk with all items arranged, except for the place block, which appears later.

The starting banner, and the racers and their vehicles.  The reason for the two crayons is that one has been set to fracture, and the other has not.

A forest of toy trees, creating scenery.
A view from the finish line.

The place block.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Contributions to Long project

Final texture for chair

Initial printer texture

Pencil model and texture

Pizza box initial texture
Initial coffee spit particle mesh and texture
Better coffee spit

Also, I am doing the walk for the scientist.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Glass, Cups, Screwdrivers, and Lava. Oh, and a flower.

I really hate how the proximity is visible in this shot.  I'd like to fix that.

Because of course all of them together makes sense.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ball bounce model shots

Basically, these are the camera shots I am using for the Ball of Hope and Staircase transition to the Crazy Scientist on Ice.  Some of these may change slightly based on the animations.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Spring Animation Final Exam shots

Basically, I rotated the nozzleheads of both bottles, squashed the Brand X bottle, stretched the Leet bottle, changed the fluid colors, changed the texture of the stand, added lighting and the starry scene.  The lights for the Leet bottle are brighter, while the Brand X bottle has less intense lighting.  Also, the colors of the fluid were changed to reflect the positive and negative slants on each, with a red for the 'inferior' product, and light blue for the superior product.  The screenshots above are to demonstrate the differences between each product.
This is the best image, I would say, of the five.  And I apologize for the shameless Star Trek reference.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Camera shots for short story

I'm sorry, but some of these are unfinished.

Sheep reaction

Wolf speech

Wolf walk

Relaxing in the pool after winning election