Monday, October 25, 2010

Expression Project

The words are arranged in a circular shape to contribute to the restful feeling, but also to state that this is my cycle of emotions.  Each of these words is has a separate font and leading to emphasize their meaning.  The words are unshelved and unframed, since it does me no good to frame my personality on the wall or place it on a shelf when I can live it instead and let others see for themselves.  If the shadows left me, then my personality would reflect my happy and free emotions. When the layers are peeled away, all that remains is my soul behind the mirror.  The mirror in the center reflects my true face, hidden behind a shell of gray.  This shell keeps the darkness away from the my personality.  The water in the mirror flows as I do, and the plant growing from the pool of water displays how I believe that life will always find a way, even in the most adverse of situations.  The mirror does not have smooth edges that blend with the shell, since they completely oppose each other.  My figure is sideways to create a sense of peace within the safety of the shell.  The shadows are in the corners, held at bay, and are triangles to symbolize my conflict with them.  While my face may be towards the center, it is more to the right, since that's the way I want to live, always doing what is right.

Friday, October 15, 2010

3-D Object

This is my creation from a tutorial on creating a 3D pair of dice using Illustrator.  Using the Gradient Mesh tool was the hardest part of this assignment.  One highlight of the tutorial involved the resulting pictures, in which the dice numbers were incorrect, since 1 should be on the opposite side of 6.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flower and Vase

This is an example of a gradient flower, but it doesn't look as much like a flower as I hoped.  I like how it turned out, though.

 This is the vase with the previous flower on it, as shown.  The curves on the vase, as I found out, have to be just right, otherwise the design on the vase will be cut off partially.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Live Trace

Moving the gradient to the left and finding the right text was the hardest part of this assignment.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Logo 2

This is my recreation of the new Doctor Who logo.  The exact font could not be found, so I had to use the closest font and create an outline that I could adjust to look like the original text.  The coloring for the gradients was also an issue, but I was able to estimate the colors for the letters and the light above.  I worked to include all of the details, including the reflection of the logo on the black surface.  I am satisfied with how this turned out.